Having operated a virtual legal practice for over six years, Emma Heuston knows exactly how to make the “new normal” work.

In this episode of The Boutique Lawyer Show, host Jerome Doraisamy is joined by Ms Heuston – founder of The Remote Expert and winner of the Thought Leader of the Year Award at the 2018 Women in Law Awards – to discuss her journey of working virtually, what works and doesn’t work, and what Australian practitioners (who are now just getting used to pandemic-inspired workplace changes) can learn from her experience.

The pair also discuss the prospect of more remote lawyers in regional and coastal towns around Australia post-pandemic, how emerging leaders in law can better utilise the virtual space and how the legal profession is shifting more broadly.

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If you have any questions about what you heard today, any topics of interest you have in mind, or if you’d like to lend your voice to the show, email [email protected] for more insights!

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